Reconstruction of the
Farley Mount 8-07-2019 formation

1. Draw a circle. Draw and extend the horizontal and vertical centerlines.

2. Divide the horizontal centerline between the center of circle 1 and its righthand intersection into nine equal parts. Number the nodes 1 - 8 from right to left.

3. Construct a circle concentric to circle 1, passing through node 2 nr. 1.

4. Construct two circles centered at the righthand intersection of circle 1 and the horizontal centerline, passing through nodes 2 nrs. 1 and 2, respectively.

5. Construct a circle concentric to circles 4, passing through node 2 nr. 3.

6. Construct five circles concentric to circle 1, passing through nodes 2 nrs. 2 through 6, respectively.

7. Construct three circles concentric to circles 4, passing through nodes 2 nrs. 4, 5 and 6, respectively.

8. Copy circles 4, 5, and 7, three times, to the other intersections of circle 1 and the horizontal and vertical centerlines.

9. Draw a horizontal line from the upper intersection of circles 3 and 5, upto the vertical centerline.

10. Construct a circle concentric to circle 1, tangent to line 9.

11. Copy circle 10 to the center of circle 5.

12. Construct the circumscribed square of circle 1, with horizontal and vertical sides.

13. Construct a circle concentric to circle 1, passing through the upper intersection of circle 11 and square 12.

14. Circles 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, and 13, are used for the final reconstruction.

15. Remove all parts not visible within the formation itself.


16. Colour all areas corresponding to standing...


17. ...or to flattened crop, and finish the reconstruction of the Farley Mount formation of 8-07-2019.


Courtesy the Crop Circle Connector
Photo by: Lucy Pringle
The final result, matched with the aerial image.


Copyright © 2019, Zef Damen, The Netherlands
Personal use only, commercial use prohibited.