Reconstruction of the
Buckle Street 26-05-2014 formation

1. Draw a circle. Draw and extend the horizontal and vertical centerlines.

2. Construct the inscribed octagon (regular 8-sided polygon) of circle 1, pointing up.

3. Construct a "two-points" circle (defined by the two end-points of a centerline) between the center of circle 1 and its righthand intersection with the horizontal centerline.

4. Construct the inscribed equilateral triangle of circle 3, pointing to the left.

5. Construct a circle, passing through the righthand intersection of circle 1 and the horizontal centerline, tangent to both lefthand sides of triangle 4.

6. Copy circle 5 to the righthand angular point of octagon 2.

7. Copy circle 5 seven times, to the other angular points of octagon 2.

8. Construct the inscribed circle of triangle 4.

9. Copy circle 8 to the center of circle 1.

10. Construct the inscribed equilateral triangle of circle 9, pointing up.

11. Construct the inscribed circle of triangle 10.

12. Construct a "two-points" circle between the intersections of circle 6 and upper righthand circle 7 with the righthand side of octagon 2 just above the horizontal centerline.

13. Copy circle 12 four times, the first to the righthand intersection of circle 11 and the horizontal centerline, the others consecutively to the corresponding intersection of its preceding one.

14. Construct four circles concentric to circle 1, tangent to circles 13 at the righthand sides.

15. Construct a circle, tangent to the outer circle 14 at the upper righthand side, tangent to circle 6 at the upper lefthand side, and tangent to the upper righthand circle 7 at the lower lefthand side.

16. Copy circle 12 to the righthand intersection of outer circle 14 and the horizontal centerline.

17. Construct a circle concentric to circle 1, tangent to circle 16 at the righthand side.

18. Construct a circle concentric to circle 15, tangent to circle 17 at the upper righthand side.

19. Construct the inscribed octagon of a circle concentric to circle 1 and passing through the center of circle 18, with one angular point coincident with that center.

20. Copy circle 18 seven times, to the other angular points of octagon 19.

21. Construct a "two-points" circle between the center of circle 12 and its tangent point with circle 6.

22. Copy circle 21 to the center of circle 18.

23. Construct two circles concentric to circle 1, tangent to circle 22 at both sides.

24. Construct a circle centered at the lefthand intersection of circle 6 and the horizontal centerline, tangent to outer circle 23 at the righthand side.

25. Copy circle 24 to the center of circle 6.

26. Construct a circle concentric to circle 1, tangent to circle 25 at the righthand side.

27. Circles 1, 6, 7, 11, 14, 18, 20, 23, and 26, are used for the final reconstruction.

28. Remove all parts not visible within the formation itself.


29. Colour all areas corresponding to standing...


30. ...or to flattened crop, and finish the reconstruction of the Buckle Street formation of 26-05-2014.


Courtesy the Crop Circle Connector
The final result, matched with the aerial image.


Copyright © 2014, Zef Damen, The Netherlands
Personal use only, commercial use prohibited.