Reconstruction of the
Below Milk Hill 8-08-2008 formation

(without the flame-like structures)

1. Draw a circle. Draw and extend the horizontal and vertical centerlines.

2. Construct the inscribed square of circle 1, sides horizontal and vertical.

3. Construct a circle centered at the upper intersection of circle 1 and the vertical centerline, passing through the upper angular points of square 2.

4. Construct a circle centered at the lower intersection of circle 1 and the vertical centerline, passing through the lower angular points of square 2.

5. Construct a circle concentric to circle 3, tangent to the upper side of square 2.

6. Construct a circle concentric to circle 4, tangent to the lower side of square 2.

7. Copy circle 3 to the center of circle 1.

8. Construct a circle centered at the mid-point of the upper side of square 2, tangent to circle 7 at the upper side.

9. Construct a circle concentric to circle 5, tangent to circle 8 at the lower side.

10. Copy circle 9 to the center of circle 6.

11. Draw the connecting line between the intersections of circles 3 and 7.

12. Construct a circle concentric circle 1, tangent to line 11.

13. Copy circle 8 to the upper intersection of circle 12 and the vertical centerline.

14. Construct a circle concentric to circle 12 (and circle 1), tangent to circle 13 at the upper side.

15. Construct a "two-points" circle, defined by the end-points of a centerline (diameter), between the intersection of the righthand side of square 2 and the righthand intersection of circle 7 both with the horizontal centerline.

Notice, that the diameter of this circle is half that of circle 8.

16. Construct a circle centered at the righthand intersection of circle 1 and the horizontal centerline, passing through the center of circle 15.

17. Copy circle 16 to the lefthand intersection of circle 1 and the horizontal centerline.

18. Construct a circle concentric to circle 15, tangent to circle 14 at the righthand side.

19. Copy circle 15 to the center of circle 16.

20. Construct two circles concentric to circle 1, tangent to circle 19 at the lefthand and righthand sides respectively.

21. Copy circle 8 two times, to both intersections of circle 19 with the horizontal centerline. See detail.

22. Construct two circles concentric to circle 1, tangent to circles 21 at the leftmost and rightmost sides respectively.

23. Copy circle 8 to the righthand intersection of circle 14 and the horizontal centerline.

24. Construct a circle concentric to circle 18, tangent to circle 23 at the righthand side.

25. Copy circles 18 and 24 four times, to the angular points of square 2.

26. Construct a circle centered at the righthand intersection of circle 9 and the upper side of square 2, tangent to circle 7 at the nearest side.

27. Copy circle 26 to the upper intersection of circle 3 and the vertical centerline.

28. Copy circle 26 to the lower intersection of circle 27 and the vertical centerline.

29. Repeat step 28 18 times, the first to the corresponding intersection of circle 28 itself, the next circles to the corresponding intersections of the previously copied circles, as shown.

30. Construct a circle concentric to circle 3, tangent to the lowermost circle 29 at the lower side.

31. Construct 19 circles concentric to circle 30, passing through the centers of circle 28 and circles 29 from the uppermost to the lowermost. Number these circles from 1 to 19 in the same order, as shown.

32. Construct a circle centered at the lower intersection of circle 4 and the vertical centerline, tangent to circle 3 at the upper side.

33. Copy circle 32 to the center of circle 1.

Copy circle 32 two times, to the lefthand and righthand intersections of circle 33 and the horizontal centerline.

Copy circle 3 to the lower intersection of circle 4 and the righthand circle 34, and move this circle (copy and delete original) to its own corresponding intersection.

Construct a (very small) circle centered at the righthand intersection of circle 8 and the upper side of square 2, passing through the corresponding intersection with circle 5.

Copy circle 36 to the lower intersection of circle 35 and righthand circle 34. See detail.


Copy circle 31 nr. 1 to the lower righthand intersection of circle 37 and righthand circle 34, and move this circle to its own corresponding intersection. See details.

Repeat steps 37 and 38 18 more times for circles 31, nrs. 2, 3, 4, and so on, each time relative to the previously copied circle, as shown. See detail.

Repeat steps 37 and 38 one more time for circle 30, as shown.

Repeat steps 35, 37, 38, 39 and 40, for the lefthand circle 34, in the opposite direction, and starting at circle 3 in stead of 4, as shown.

Circles 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17, 20, 22, 25, 35, 38, 39, 40 and 41, are used for the final reconstruction.

Remove all redundant parts, not visible in the formation itself.

High resolution dwf-file

Colour all areas corresponding to standing...

High resolution dwf-file

...or to flattened crop, and complete the reconstruction of the Below Milk Hill formation of 8-08-2008.

High resolution dwf-file


courtesy the Crop Circle Connector; photo's by: John Montgomery

The final result, matched with aerial images. Since the field runs slightly up in both left and right directions (see tramlines!), and the reconstruction assumes a flat plane, the match can not be done in one time. Upper left: the match, optimized for the righthand "wing" of the formation; lower left: the same for the lefthand "wing"; right: match of the central part with a different aerial image.


Copyright © 2008, Zef Damen, The Netherlands
Personal use only, commercial use prohibited.